
Huge Indoor Garage Sale for Nonprofit Organizations

Saturday, July 23 9:00am to 4:00pm

Kansas City Athenaeum

900 East Linwood Boulevard, KC, MO map 

(Four blocks east of the Midtown Costco)

KC-MTA is one of the nonprofit organizations participating in the Greater Kansas City Women's Political Caucus' garage sale. We'll raise $$ for KC-MTA by selling donated articles.
We hope you'll support our effort by: 1) donating items for us to sell; 2) buying from our table when you visit the garage sale; and/or 3) contributing a few dollars.
Please use the contact information below to arrange pickup if you have things to donate for the sale or to mail a check made out to: KC Move To Amend.
We appreciate any support you can give!

Help us buy materials to really get the message out! As in this example from California:

Contact info for KC Move To Amend: 
KC Move To Amend on facebook
P.O. Box 481432
Kansas City MO 64148